Project: "Kvint" brandy
The “KVINT” brandy design project – is a complex and large-scale project. It includes the development of product positioning, trademark design, bottle and label design, organization and execution of photo-shoot, P.O.S. development and advertising materials.
First of all, the agency strived to find a unique bottle shape, which would distinct the client's product from the rest of the competition in this niche. That's why we've created a large number of concepts and sketches. The search was taken to many directions and each of the concepts was discussed with the client. Below you'll see just a small portion from the bulk of concepts we've created:
As a result we ended up with a concept that corresponded to all the client's requests, both technical and marketing:
The agecny crafted a full-sized cast model, a 3D model and a visualization for the future bottle:
During the production of press-forms we've also corrected the mistakes made by the bottle production plant:
The final approved technical draft of the bottle:
The factory's coat of arms has also been changed and reworked according to the technical specifications of the bottle:
The result is a complex solution for a new product under the "KVINT" brand name. The final bottle and label design can be seen here: